Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts Types of Cyclone 2021

Tropical Cyclone is one of the most destructive weather events and is also known as a Typhoon or Hurricane. Let us study in detail about the tropical cyclone, how it is formed, and its effect through this article. Lets Start Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts.

Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts Types of Cyclone

Tropical cyclones are intense cyclonic storms that occur in warm tropical oceans at speeds exceeding 119 kilometers per hour and accompanied by heavy rain. Mainly, the biggest loss of life and property is not from wind, but from other secondary events including storm surges, floods, landslides, and tornadoes.

According to the origin, tropical cyclones in the world are known by various names.

- In the Atlantic Ocean and Eastern North Pacific Ocean, it is known as Hurricane.

- In the western Pacific Ocean, it is known as Typhoon.

- In the South Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, it is known as Tropical cyclone.

In extreme conditions, winds can exceed 240 km per hour and rash winds can exceed 320 km per hour. These strong winds can cause torrential rain and catastrophic events which are also called storm waves. Basically, it is an uplift of the sea surface that can reach 6 meters above the normal level. In tropical and subtropical regions of the world, such cyclones with a combination of high winds and water pose a serious threat to coastal areas. Also Comment Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts.

Based on the maximum sustained wind, tropical cyclones are named as follows:

- When the maximum sustained speed is less than 63 km, it is known as a tropical depression.

- When the maximum sustained speed is more than 63 km, it is known as a tropical storm.

- Depending on the basin, when the highest sustained speed exceeds 116 km / h, it is called a hurricane, typhoon, severe tropical cyclone, severe storm. Or known as a tropical cyclone.

Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts Types of Cyclone

What is Amphan Cyclone and how was it named?

In fact, the strength or intensity of hurricane also varies from 1to 5 according to the Kefir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale. Interesting fact, the strength of the hurricane also varies from Category 1to 5 according to the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale

- Category 1: Hurricane is mentioned with a maximum sustained wind speed of 119–153 km / h.

- Category 2: Hurricane is mentioned with highly sustained wind speeds of 154–177 km / h.

- Category 3: Hurricane is mentioned with a maximum sustained wind speed of 178–209 km / h.

- Category 4: Hurricane is noted with a maximum sustained wind speed of 210–249 km / h.

- Category 5: Hurricane is mentioned with constant wind speed in excess of 249 km / h.

Effect of tropical cyclone

As discussed above, the effect of tropical cyclones and the expected loss depends not only on wind speed, but also on other factors including speed, strong wind duration, and precipitation during and after precipitation. Sudden changes, like the size and intensity of a tropical cyclone, and the human response to tropical cyclone disasters.

Tropical cyclones directly or indirectly affect health in several ways:

- It increases cases of drowning and other physical trauma.

- It also increases the risk of water and vector-borne infectious diseases.

- Increases psychological effects that are also related to emergency situations.

- Disrupts health systems, facilities, and services. Due to this, communities had difficulty in accessing health care and that too when they needed it most.

- Damage to basic facilities including food and water supply and safe shelter.

It is also said that the effect of a tropical cyclone depends on the number of people living in low-lying areas within the direct path of the storm, the built environment like the design of the building, and sufficient time for warning and evacuation.

Floods and seawater runoff due to tropical cyclones increase the risk of drowning and water or vector-borne diseases. Floodwaters may contain sewage and chemicals, hide sharp objects made of metals or glass and electrical lines, or even dangerous snakes or reptiles can drift, resulting in injuries, electrocution, bites, and diseases. Can According to the WHO, approximately 726 million people were affected by the storm worldwide between 1998–2017. 

How does a tropical cyclone work? Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts.

Tropical cyclone winds move in the middle region of atmospheric pressure. The wind is caused by the low-pressure core and by the rotation of the earth, which further deflects the path of the air through an event known as the Coriolis force. In the Northern Hemisphere, a tropical cyclone rotates in a counter-clockwise or cyclonic direction, and in the Southern Hemisphere, it rotates in a counter-clockwise or anticyclonic direction.

How does a tropical cyclone form?

Tropical cyclones form when water vapor and heat transfer from the warm ocean to an evaporated air, primarily by evaporation from the ocean surface. As we know, hot, moist air rises up, rises, expands and cools, quickly saturate, and releases latent heat due to the condensation of water vapor. In this process, the air at the core of the developing disturbance becomes hot and moist. The difference in temperature forms between the hot, rising air, and the cold environment, which makes the air fiery and makes it move upward.

If the sea surface is too cold, there will not be enough heat available and the evaporation rate will be low to provide fuel to tropical cyclones. Even the supply of energy will be reduced because the layer of hot water is not deep enough.

This is because the tropical system modifies the underlying ocean. The surface of the sea becomes cold due to the fall of rain from deep concentrated clouds and strong winds in the center of the storm will create more turbulence. If this resulting mixture brings cold water from below the surface to the surface, the fuel supply to the tropical system will be reduced or diverted.

Rising air heats up the core to distract both latent heat and direct heat transfer from the ocean surface and the atmospheric pressure at the center of turbulence decreases. Consequently, the pressure decreases and causes surface winds to rise, which in turn increases vapor and heat transfer and further contributes to the rise of air. The core heats up and the increased surface winds reinforce or reinforce each other in a positive feedback mechanism.

So now you have come to know about the tropical cyclones, types, formation, and effects.

Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts Types of Cyclone

How are cyclones named in the world? Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts.

8 countries in the Indian Ocean region (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, and Thailand) started a system of naming the cyclonic storms from 2004 on India's initiative. If the speed of a cyclone exceeds 34 nautical miles per hour, it is necessary to give it a special name. The Indian Meteorological Department names the storms that arise in the 'North Indian Ocean'.

Many incidents of nature include cyclones, earthquakes, floods, etc. You must have heard the names of cyclones like Okhi, Hudhud, Katrina, Varada. Have you not got the question that on which basis such names of cyclones are kept and who keeps these names? Let us try to answer your questions in this article.

Actually, the names of cyclones are kept under an agreement. The initiative was initiated in the Atlantic region through a treaty in 1953. The tradition of naming hurricanes and cyclones in the Atlantic region has continued since 1953, which began at the initiative of the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

It is known that until 1953, in Australia, the names of cyclones were named after corrupt leaders, and in America the names of women (like Katrina, Irma, etc.). But from 1979 onwards, a male and then a female is named.

Most names given in the Northwest Pacific region are not personal names. Although some names are definitely named after men and women, most of the names are named after flowers, animals, birds, trees, food items.

The names of cyclones in the Indian seas are not allocated in alphabetical order but are named after the country that has named them. If the speed of a cyclone exceeds 34 nautical miles per hour, it is necessary to give it a special name.

8 countries in the Indian Ocean region (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, and Thailand) started a system of naming cyclones from 2004 on India's initiative. The World Meteorological Meteorological Organization and the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific began naming cyclonic storms in the year 2000. The Indian Meteorological Department names the storms that arise in the North Indian Ocean.

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According to the English alphabet, their order has been set according to the first letter of the name of the member countries, such that first comes Bangladesh, then India, Maldives, and Myanmar. As soon as the cyclone reaches any part of these 8 countries, a different accessible name in the list is given to this cyclone. This not only easily identifies the cyclone but also helps in rescue operations. No names are repeated. The fierce cyclone "Okhi", which came in November 2017, was named by Bangladesh which means "eye" in the Bangla language. The next cyclone will be named "Sagar". Its name has been given by the Indian Meteorological Department.

Why are cyclones given a definite name? Typhoon And Tropical Cyclone Facts.

The names of tropical cyclones are given a certain name so that the Meteorological Department, which issues forecasts and warnings, can inform the general public about which direction the cyclone is moving, its speed, and the direction in which people are protected. Must go towards places. If no name is given to a cyclone, then the general public will not be able to know which prediction and warning have been issued for which cyclone, in such a situation, there will be more loss of life and property. Apart from this, this disaster can be easily dealt with by taking the cooperation of neighboring countries. That is, these cyclones are named to make communication accessible between the local people and the meteorological department.

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